This cake is delicious but is a lot of work and has expensive ingredients. To make a Queen Mother’s Cake (so named because the Queen Mother used to have it at her garden parties) you will need a cake pan with removable sides. You’ll also need to have waxed paper and possibly a nut grinder. It can take 3 hours from start to finish. I often make the cake on one day and the icing on the next day. If you don’t have the fancy cake pan, I would recommend you make the cake without the waxed paper and leave it in the pan and ice it in the pan and serve it right from the cake pan. The first piece you remove might break but you should be able to serve the rest of the cake ok. * * *Queen Mother's Cake* 6 ounces of ground almonds (grind your own very finely or buy at Ayres) 6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, coarsely cut or broken (the better the chocolate, the better the cake) 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup granulated sugar 6 eggs, separated (this ends up to be 3/4 cup whites and 1/2 cup yolks) 1/8 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare the pan: butter a 9" diameter springform pan or removable bottom pan. Cover the bottom of the pan with a piece of waxed paper which has been cut to fit the pan. Rub butter on the paper and dust it with flour or fine, dry bread crumbs. Set the prepared pan aside. If you are grinding the nuts yourself, put them through a strainer to make sure there are no large pieces. Melt the chocolate on low power in the microwave. Allow to cool slightly. In an electric mixer, cream the butter. Add the sugar and beat at medium-high speed for 2 minutes. Add the egg yolks one at a time and beat until each one is well mixed in. Don't over beat. On low speed, add the chocolate until it is just mixed in. Add the almonds and beat only until they are mixed in. Use a rubber spatula to scrape them off the sides of the bowl. In a clean bowl, put the egg whites and the salt. Beat the egg whites until they hold a definite shape. Stir a large spoonful of the beaten whites into the chocolate mixture. Then fold in 1/3 of the remaining whites, then 1/3 more, then 1/3 more. The whites should be well combined with the chocolate mixture but still retain as many air bubbles as possible. Turn the cake mixture into the prepared pan and rotate the pan briskly first one way then the other, to level the top. Bake for 20 mins at 375 degrees then reduce the temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 50 more minutes. Do not overbake, the cake should remain soft and moist in the centre. Wet and slightly wring out a folded tea towel and place it on a smooth surface. When the cake is done, remove it from the oven and place it on the towel. Let stand for at least 20 minutes. Loosen the cake from the sides of the pan and release and remove the sides of the pan. Place a rack upside down on the cake and invert it. Gently remove the bottom of the pan and carefully peel off the paper lining. Cover with another rack and invert again, leaving the cake right side up to cool. Let the cake cool well before icing it. *Icing* 1/3 cup heavy cream (18% works well) 2 teaspoons dry, instant coffee (recommended but not essential) 5 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, coarsely cut or broken Place four strips of waxed paper around the outer edges of a cake plate. Transfer the cake to the plate, placing the cake upside down. Heat the cream in a heavy saucepan, uncovered, over moderate heat until it begins to form small bubbles around the edge or a skin on top. Add the instant coffee and blend with a small whisk or a fork. Add the chocolate and stir for about 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and still until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Place the bottom of the saucepan in cold water to stop the cooking. Let the icing stand at room temperature, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes or more until it reaches room temperature and barely begins to thicken. Stir the icing (do not beat) and pour it over the top of the cake. Use a long, narrow metal spatula to smooth the top and, at the same time, spread the icing so that a little of it runs down the sides. Smooth the sides with the spatula. Remove the four strips of waxed paper by pulling each one out toward a narrow end. Queen Mother’s cake may be served just as it is or with a little whipped cream on the side.